This Giveaway is Hosted by Jenn, Mom of Two Munchkins
The Knot Genie is a fantastic brush that cuts out the tears when it is time to brush your little ones hair. Knot Genie is unique in more ways than one. First it doesn’t have a handle like traditional brushed do and fits great into the palm of your hand. Even little ones can use it with ease. The bristles have a curve to the overall setting of them which helps with brushing out stubborn tangles. The bristles themselves are sturdy enough to tackle a tangle yet flexible enough to bend when the tangle gets too tough. We have no more tears in our house when it come to brushing hair. I am in love with the Knot Genie and now you have a chance to win one!!
Mom Of Two Munchkins was provided with a free sample of this product
to review, and was under no obligation to review it. Nor was Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins under any obligation to write a positive review
or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. Kathy’s Freebies & Savings is not responsible for shipping of prize. Prize value is approximately $19.99.
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