Being a mother of two daughters is both amazing and exhausting at the same time. Life can be a bit crazy at times. Besides being a mother, I also work from home. I love being able to work from home, because that means I get to be with my children more often. Sure they have school, so I’m not with them all the time, but when they have their days off from school and vacations, it’s wonderful to be able to be home with them. My routines at home seem to stay simple most times. You’d think being at home and working would be easy, but that’s not always the case. Each week day I usually get the kids up for school. I make sure they get breakfast to eat before they leave to go on the bus. Once that is all finished, I usually head straight to work on the computer. It can certainly get stressful at times, but I love it. I also love to be able to take some time off to relax and make sure I’m getting a break as well. Sometimes I get so busy, I will forget about grabbing lunch when it’s lunchtime. Asian food is one of my favorites. This is why I love the Tai Pei meals because they’re quick and easy to make. Continue Reading…
Did you know that the month of February is national hot breakfast month? Breakfast is one of my favorite meals. I love it because pancakes, waffles, french toast and so many others are such great foods. I could eat breakfast foods all the time if I wanted. My family loves having a good breakfast soon, especially for dinner. This is the perfect month to have some breakfast for dinner or lunch. I’m sure that many of you have breakfast for lunch or dinner often too. It’s just one of those foods that you love so much, you can’t just have it for breakfast because it’s that delicious! Continue Reading…
I’m not usually the biggest fan of Winter because of how cold it is, but my family enjoys being outside in Winter. I do love the snow though. It’s to bad it couldn’t snow when it’s warm out, than I could enjoy it more. Either way, there are so many fun activities to do with your family in Winter. One of our favorites is going sledding and building snowmen. There is one fun place we love visiting during Winter, and that is the Ice Castles. Have any of you been able to enjoy going to the Ice Castles yet? My family and I have been to a couple different Ice Castles a few times, and we have enjoyed all of them. Continue Reading…
One of my favorite go to snacks for myself as well as my children, are the Entenmann’s Little Bites. They come in a few different flavors, and they’re so delicious. They are perfect for snacks on the go as well as a snack anywhere. I love that they come in these pouches, because I can easily carry them wherever I go. I recently tried the party cakes, and they were so amazing. I would have to say that those ones are my newest favorite now. Before that I would always go for the blueberry ones. I’m so glad I was able to give some of the others a try. They are all great, and perfect for our family. Continue Reading…
It’s hard to believe a new year has already begun. I love to start off a new year right. There are so many changes and opportunities for everyone within a new year. Many people love starting off the new year by making resolutions. I always try to make something great of a new year. One of my favorite things to ring in the new year with, is to try something new. I think it’s extremely important to always try new things, and what a better way to start the new year off right with trying something new. I always say you’ll never know if there is something out there you may love if you don’t try it. Continue Reading…
My husband and I took our daughters to the Chicago Toy & Game Fair for the first time this year, and we all had a wonderful time. We were very excited to go because we had never gone to anything like this before. We heard it was one of the biggest ones, so that was even more exciting. It was great to hear about all the amazing toys and games that were going to be there. Below you’ll find our top three favorite things from the fair. Although we loved everything, these were my daughters top choices. Continue Reading…
One of my favorite things do with my kids, is to play games. My daughters love playing all kinds of games, and so do I. I have always loved playing board games ever since I was little. I’m glad that I get to play them with my daughters now. It’s always such a fun time playing all these games with them. I try to make it a family night as much as possible. We do try to play games at least once a week, if not more. It’s always special spending time with your loved ones. Continue Reading…
If you’re looking for a new toy for your children, or maybe a gift, the Squishmallows would be a great idea. These came right in time for the holidays. Kellytoy has created a line of loveable buddies made from super soft marshmallow-like texture and polyester (and they’re easily washable). When they say super soft, they really mean it! These items are so soft and squishy. Continue Reading…
It’s crazy to think that summer is almost over. My daughters went back to school over two weeks ago. It’s hard to believe that school is back in session too. I love that both of my daughters have been having a great time in school already. It’s always great to find out that they love school. Now that school is back, I have to make sure I have dinner ready for them when they get home, as well as a snack. They always come home and want to have a snack after school. Continue Reading…
It’s hard to believe that school is back in session. It feels like summer just started, but now it’s about ready to end. There is a lot to do to get ready for school. My girls have been in school for a couple of weeks now. They’re getting use to it, and they love school. It’s always great to hear that your child loves school. My oldest started a different school this year, but it seems that she’s adjusted to that just fine. When school starts, there is so much you have to get for your children. You have to get them their school supplies, and usually new clothing and shoes as well. Continue Reading…
It’s about that time when the kids are starting to head back to school. I know that some of you have already had their kids start school. Mine start August 28th, so they have a little bit of time yet. It can be hard to get everyone back in the routine of school. This includes both the parents as well as the kids. I’ve already started a few things to get ready for back to school. How many of you have already finished getting all your kids clothes, school supplies, ect.? We’re just about done with all my girls stuff for school. It’s exciting just to finally be almost done too. Continue Reading…
Having a raining day and don’t know what to do? Don’t let the rain stop you from having fun. I have a list of some fun activities that you can do with your kids if it’s raining outside. My daughters and I have fun with many of these indoors. You don’t have to be outside just to have some fun. Continue Reading…
My family is so excited that summer is here. We always find so much more to do during summer. One of our favorite things to do, is to take family road trips. They are always a lot of fun for everyone. We’ve got a few things planned for the summer. We have already had one road trip where we went to WI Dells and went to a water park. My daughters were thrilled for that road trip. We are looking forward to many more road trips together. Continue Reading…
Is everyone enjoying their summer so far? I know my kids sure are. They do tend to run out of things to do though. I try to keep them busy as much as possible. I hate to hear the words, I’m bored. I decided to create a bucket list for my daughters. This way when they get bored, we can do something off this list. I don’t know if we’ll get through the whole list this summer, but I’d like to at least try. Continue Reading…
With it being summer, most kids are out of school or going to be out of school. A lot of kids tend to get bored quickly during summer break from school. Maybe your kids are wanting to always do something, but don’t really have the money to always do something fun. My kids would love to do a lot this summer. I know that some kids are wanting to go places and don’t have the money. Continue Reading…
Summer is almost here, and I’m so excited! This is my favorite time of year. School is almost out, which means my daughters are going to be home more often. This is one of the things I look forward to in the summer. Having my daughters home more is always fun. We’ve already got some plans for the summer as to what we can do to keep busy. We’re currently working on a garden since we moved in fall. We have our own home, so the garden is going to be a lot of fun. My daughters enjoy being outdoors as much as I do, so this summer we’re going to be out there more often. With us wanting to be outside so much in the summer, that also means the sun will be out more and it will get hot. Every time we go outdoors we always make sure to wear our sunscreen, and I can tell you we will be outdoors a lot this summer, especially with us working on our garden. Continue Reading…
School is almost out for most students, and it may be out for some of you already. My daughters go to school til June 2nd, so that’s less than a month away. With them being home for a few months, I have to think of some ways to keep them busy. I know kids can become bored very easily too. This is why I’ve come up with a list of some fun ideas that your kids may enjoy. My daughters love them all, so I hope your kids will too. Continue Reading…
I have never been much of a fan of winter. I have always hated the cold and I would avoid going outside until I actually had to. There still are some activities that I enjoy doing during winter though. I do love to go sledding outside, especially with my daughters. They love to be outside no matter what the weather is like. I’m sure we were all like that as kids as well. Sometimes when it’s too cold out, I love to stay indoors and enjoy a movie with my family. Movie nights are always fun in our house. Continue Reading…
It’s so crazy that the new year has already begun, and it’s now February! This year seems to be flying by quickly already. With the kids in school it does make it easier at times. There is still a lot I need to do with the kids in school. I have one daughter who is in Girl Scouts and the other is possibly joining something soon. I think it’s great that kids can join a club or sport that they can get interested in. I love that both of my girls enjoy school a lot. It’s nice to see them enjoy it. Continue Reading…
Although my football team did not make it to the Superbowl, I’m still excited about it. The Superbowl is always a lot of fun no matter who is playing in it. One of my favorite things about the big game, is the food and watching the commercials. It’s always a fun time being able to be around all your family and friends while you enjoy the Superbowl. Continue Reading…
It’s hard to believe it’s a new year already. Last year went by so quick, but I’m excited to see what’s in store for the new year. With a new year usually comes resolutions. How many of you have already made a new years resolution? I normally don’t do resolutions, but try to set more goals during the year. I don’t always tend to stick to those resolutions, so making goals is a lot easier for me to do. This year I want to exercise more and eat healthier. I know that is a very common resolution for many too. Continue Reading…
I am sure by now you have all heard about Hatchimals. My daughters were just like a lot of other kids, and they wanted one of these. I honestly didn’t want to spend a lot on these, and I thought it was crazy that everyone was buying them and reselling them at high prices. I unfortunately couldn’t get one of these for my daughters for Christmas. They were sold out everywhere, and the only place to get them was online at a ridiculous price. I told my girls I would look for one after Christmas and we’d see if we could get them one or not. Continue Reading…
My oldest daughter, Mercades, has been showing a lot of interest in cooking lately. She’s at that age where she really wants to help out and make something. I love that she’s showing such an interest. I remember being around her age, and I was the same way. I have always loved to cook ever since I was little as well. I think it’s a great experience to cook with your kids in the kitchen too. They can learn a lot from cooking. Continue Reading…
The holidays are such a fun time for many. I enjoy being around family and friends this time of year. There is so much you can do while you’re with those that you love. Even though the Winter months are cold, you can still enjoy being outdoors. My kids love to be outdoors, and you can find many ways to be able to stay active during these Winter months. Continue Reading…
My daughters may no longer be babies, but that still doesn’t mean that I don’t use wipes. In fact, I use them all the time. I buy them and keep them around the home and always carry some in my purse as well. Kids make messes, and wipes have been great for cleaning up a mess. You don’t have to have kids to still buy wipes. I use them for some everyday cleaning around my home. Continue Reading…
Did you know that the month of October is National Pizza Month? I didn’t know this til last month. It’s been great celebrating by eating pizza this month with my family. We love our pizza nights! How many of you love to have pizza nights with your family? I’m sure that many of you enjoy it as much as I do. It’s fun to be able to make pizza the way you like it too. Continue Reading…
Did you all know that the month of October is national pizza month?! My family loves having pizza. We usually have it at least once a month. Our favorite pizza is when we make it ourselves. Homemade pizza has always been the best for me. I love to make them together with my kids, and they enjoy making them as well. It’s a great way to make dinner as a family, and everyone gets to pick their own toppings. Continue Reading…
Dressing Up:
- Instead of having children wear masks, have them wear makeup. Masks can sometimes be hard to breathe in as well as see in. It can be harder for kids to see certain things with a mask on.
- Have children bring flashlights or glow sticks with. This is a great way for others to be able to see you, especially other drivers.
- Make sure the costumes are the right size. You wouldn’t want a costume that is to big where a child could trip over it. Continue Reading…
I still can’t believe that school is approaching quickly. I know that for some, school has already started. My daughters will be going back to school at the end of this month. There is so much to do when you’re getting your kids ready for school again. It can be tough to get back in the routine of school as well. You have to get all your children’s school supplies, buy new clothing, get their lunches ready, and a lot more. Continue Reading…
It’s hard to believe that summer won’t be here much longer. I know there is still at least a month left, but that means back to school is already almost here! I know for some it’s already arrived. My daughters go back to school at the end of August. It gets a lot crazier around here when it’s back to school time. We have to do a lot of shopping and get everything ready for my daughters for when they start school again. Continue Reading…
I’m sure you’ve all heard about Pokemon Go by now, right? This game has hit big and many people all over the world have been playing. When I heard about it I didn’t really think much about it. I was interested to try it out myself, but I knew if I did I would most likely get addicted to the game. It sounded like everyone else was playing it, so I figured it must be something that would be addicting. I finally decided to start playing about a week ago, and yes I was very right about this game being addicting! I even got my husband in to the game as well as my daughters. We all go out hunting for Pokemon every day. It’s actually a lot of fun and you get some great exercise as well. Continue Reading…
I had gotten a couple of Chuck E. Cheese’s passes, so I knew that I had to take my daughters sometime. My oldest daughter Mercades, had to get three teeth pulled, so we were in the area and she first just had them cleaned. After getting her teeth cleaned we ended up taking my daughters to Chuck E. Cheese’s. They were talking about this for such a long time, so they were very excited to get to go. Continue Reading…
I’m so glad that summer is finally here. There are so many things I love to do outdoors with my family when the weather is nice out. We always find great ways to play outside in the summer. My family enjoys summer more because it’s nice weather and we always find more things to do when it’s warmer out. Continue Reading…
I’m sure many of you have been hearing that young children are continuing to be exposed to liquid laundry packets in the U.S. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, in 2015 there were over 12,954 exposures to liquid laundry packets in children 5 and younger. That is a huge number! I personally don’t buy these because I don’t feel safe with them around my kids. Although there are some ways to make sure you have them high up so that your kids won’t tough them. Continue Reading…
Last week my daughters both had a lot of great activities going on for school. One of those was a field trip for my youngest daughter to a place called Fawn Doe Rosa. This place has a lot of animals, which many you can feed. My husband and I were able to attend this filed trip with my daughter too. Continue Reading…
How many of you have children that are still in diapers? Choosing the right diaper can be a tough decision. Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers are a great choice for babies. They offer outstanding skin care. How many of you are already currently using Huggies or have used them in the past? I’ve used them before when my girls were babies and they’ve always worked well. Continue Reading…
How did all of your weekends go? Hopefully you all had a great weekend and enjoyed it while it lasted. My daughters had a long weekend because they had early release Thursday and then no school on Friday. That means they had about a 3 1/2 day weekend! It’s always nice when my daughters are home so that we can spend some more time together. Continue Reading…
My oldest daughter who is 7, is in Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts is a great way for girls to get together and make new friends and learn about helping others as well. There are so many great benefits to joining Girl Scouts. My daughter, Mercades is very shy, so I love that she joined Girl Scouts. She’s made some friends along the way, and she’s getting to talk a bit more with more of the girls in the troop. Recently the girls had a chance to go rollerskating at a place called Skate City. They could bring their family along to, which is what I loved. I have a younger daughter, Tesla who is 5 years old and not in Girl Scouts because she’s to young yet, but she enjoys going on all these trips with the girls. She’s very outgoing, so she loves being able to be around others. I’m sure she’ll join Girl Scouts when she’s old enough as well. Continue Reading
How many of you love going on rides? My whole family enjoys going on rides often. I personally love all types of rides. I’m always the first one to want to check out any thrill rides. I’m a huge lover of heights and will jump at the chance to go on anything thrilling. The only problem with this, is that they’re normally outside. That means during Winter we can’t go to any amusement parks since they’re outside and they don’t operate them in Winter. Continue Reading…
How many of you have ever been to Build A Bear? My daughters have many of their stuffed animals, but they always got them from the mail. They were never able to go in store and get one made themselves. Recently I got a $30 gift card for Build A Bear, so I decided to take my daughters so that they could make their own. I actually got the gift card for being a Care Bares Ambassador, so we made sure when we got there that we got the Care Bears. Continue Reading…
How many of you love having taco night? I think tacos are an easy and delicious food. There are many ways to make tacos. We love our hard and soft shell tacos the normal way, but we also love to be creative when making tacos. It’s great that tacos are so simple to make yet there are so many ways to make them. What is your favorite type of taco? Continue Reading…
A couple of weeks ago I received a Disney box full of a lot of great Disney products. This box was so that I could host a Disney Preschool playdate party. I waited for my daughters to get home from school so that we could open it up together. They’re always excited to open up boxes when they arrive. They knew that it was the Disney box because of the Disney sticker on the outside. My oldest turned seven on the 23rd of March, so I thought this would be a great time to host a Disney party as well as throwing her birthday party at the same time. My youngest is a preschooler, so this was the perfect party for her as well. We had them both invite some friends over for the party. Continue Reading…
Just recently they all had the chance to go to Disney on Ice Let’s Celebrate! My husband and I were able to go along with both of our daughters. It was great that they were able to allow all of us to attend with them. This was the first time my daughters were able to see them on Ice. We saw a Disney Live show once, but never on ice. My girls were so thrilled to be able to go. Continue Reading…
If you followed along with me six months ago, you would have read about my youngest daughter Tesla and her eczema and allergies. You can read more about that HERE if you’d like. When she was about three months old she was diagnosed with eczema as well as having a few allergies. She was allergic to eggs, dairy, whey, cats, dogs and peanuts. Later on in life she no longer was allergic to peanuts, eggs or cats. I believe since we have had cats for such a long time she got use to them and ever since she has been just fine. Sometimes when she’s around certain dogs she’ll break out if there is too much hair or if they lick her. Continue Reading…
My daughter (purple) and niece (in a dress) are both in 1st grade. In our town when you’re in 1st grade you have the option to run for Little Miss Princess. This is a chance for all the girls to run to become the little princess. The morning of the coronation they were able to walk to in the parade. This was their first time ever walking in the parade, so they were excited about it. Continue Reading…
When my youngest daughter Tesla was about three months old she was itching very bad and her body was looking all red. She also had her days and nights confused, so it was a tough time to try to get her back on a day and night schedule. A lot of people were telling me it looked a lot like eczema. I took her in to the doctor right away and they gave her a prescription, which didn’t work. Finally they sent her to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist knew right away that she had eczema and prescribed her some medicine. It also turned out that she had staff infection, so they made sure she got treated right away. Luckily nothing bad happened from the infection and it cleared up quick. They also tested her to see if she had any allergies, because it’s common for kids with eczema to have allergies. It was a struggle for us to take her to see the dermatologist all the time because they wanted to see her so often and it was about 1 1/2 hours just to get there. We were very happy with the dermatologist though, so we had no problems having to drive that far. Continue Reading…
International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) and the Voice of Play want to promote activities and ideas that get kids – and parents – outside. The Voice of Play is an education and advocacy initiative of the non-profit membership association, IPEMA, formed to educate and promote the benefits of children’s free outdoor play and playgrounds. Through the Voice of Play website and social media properties, IPEMA highlights the scientifically proven physical, social, emotional and cognitive benefits of play. Continue Reading…