This Review/Giveaway is done by Kathy’s Freebies & Savings
Have you ever had pants that fit right but are just to long? I have this problem alot. I’m short so my pants are usually to long. I’ve also got two kids and sometimes there pants are two long as well. I’m so happy to have had the chance to review the My Hikes pant cuff fasteners.
My kids pants are often to long as well as my own. The past few days it’s been raining around where I live. My kids have been wanting to go outside lately, but it’s been so rainy. I hate when they have to go outside when it’s rainy because of there pants getting all wet. This is where the My Hikes pant cuff fasteners really come in handy. I clipped them to my daughters pants and they won’t get all wet from the rain. I love it! I’m sure we all know how it feels to have the bottom of our pants wet from being outside in the rain. I always have to take my kids pants off and give them a new pair when they get wet at the bottom.
The cuff fasteners are fashionable as well. They come in many different designs. I had the chance to review the butterfly cuff fasteners. They are beautiful and my kids love them!
Do you love these cuff fasteners as much as I do? Well, they have offered to have a giveaway for one of my readers. Just enter in the rafflecopter below. a Rafflecopter giveaway I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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