Do you know what your credit score is? Having a good credit score is very important for many reasons. Getting a new home or applying for a loan are just a couple of things that you’ll need a good credit score for. Most companies are not going to give you a loan without a good credit score. They want to make sure that you’re trustworthy. I know that getting a good credit score takes some time too. Before I bought my first home, my husband and I ended up getting credit cards just so that we could up our credit scores to have a better chance at getting a good home for our family.
If you’re looking for great ways to improve your credit, you can check out Credit Repair Reviews. They have a list of updated and unbiased reviews of the best credit repair companies around. They have done a lot of work to learn about these companies and what they have to offer. They were able to review different aspects of the businesses. On their site you’ll find the top ten credit repair service picks. You are able to check all of these out and read up on all the information that is given from each one.
You’re going to be able to compare on the fees as well. This way you’re able to see which one may fit you best. Did you know that the best credit repair companies use various tools available on their website in order to track your credit score? All of these tools will show both positive and negative changes so you can improve your score.
I know it can be hard to want to trust anyone, especially when it comes to your credit. Most of these credit repair companies you see have been around for many years. They have great track records and industry experience. I personally think it’s important to find the right one for you. I would personally go for one that has been around for many years and has great experience. For me, it’s because they seem to be more trustworthy. If you are really looking for the best services, you can check for those that offer years of experience, availability in multiple states, expert credit counseling and free consultations. These are the ones that are usually the best companies.
As you all know, there are many things that can cause bad credit. Late payments, bills that are sent to collection, loan applications, and even identity theft are some of the few things that can cause bad credit. This can lead to more issues that you don’t want. Don’t let this get to you. How often do you check on your credit report? Most people may not even check regularly. I’m guilty of not checking for years, but since I bought a home almost a year ago, I started checking out my credit history a few years back. I actually had something against me that I never knew about. Luckily I was able to get that removed. That was hurting my credit a lot, and that could have been it for me getting a home. Luckily I checked on it and was able to get everything figured out and back to normal. This is why it’s so important to check on your credit often. I would hate for something like that to happen to anyone else. These credit repair companies can help update your report and correct mistakes like these. This is why these credit repair companies are so important to have. They will help you dispute them with the three national credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, just like they were able to help me out.
I hope that you were all able to learn more about these credit repair companies and are able to benefit from these as well. They are certainly worth looking in to. I know I probably wouldn’t have been able to dispute anything if it wasn’t for them. I’m very thankful that they have these credit repair companies around. They’re very helpful, and I hope they’re able to help out you with all your needs as well.
How many of you check out your credit scores often? Have any of you ran in to any problems before?
I have a credit monitoring service to protect me from fraud. In addition to that, I check my score bout once a month to stay on top of what it’s doing.
That’s great to hear! It’s sad to see all the scams/fraud around.
Who we ran into credit issues years ago and I have learned my lesson. I watch my finances very close now to make sure we do not overspend. My credit score is slowly going back up.
I had issues as well a while back. I’m glad I pay close attention now as well.
This is awesome! When I was in my late teens and early 20s I had no idea how credit worked at all and made some mistakes. It took until my late 20s to really get a feel for how it worked. This is really helpful, thanks.
You’re welcome! I’m glad it can help so many out.
I think ensuring that your credit score is as positive as possible is really important. Thank you for sharing these valuable resources for credit repair. I am sure they will come in handy to those that really need them.
You’re welcome. It sure is very helpful. I’d hate for anyone to run in to any issues.
There are so many people out there suffering from poor credit. I know that it can seem hard to repair it but it seems as the solutions you have outlined have and will help many!
Right! I had issues in the past and I’m glad mine were resolved. I’d hate for it to happen to anyone.
We definitely like to be aware of our credit scores and also checking for fraudulent activity. It’s just important to know what the numbers mean and how to fix anything strange that might show up on your credit report.
Yes, it’s so important to keep yourself updated.
It’s definitely a good idea to check on that credit score and work on keeping it high. It can really help when you’re making big purchases!
Sure is!
A credit score is definitely something important that we need to keep an eye out for! We have a service which tracks everything for us and hubby is always on our credit for sure!
Yes, very important.
It is so important to make sure your credit score is good. You never know when you are going to need to buy something, like a car.
Right! Exactly my thoughts.
I get updated credit score reports every three months. It is an easy way for me to keep track of how my credit rating is doing.
I check on my very often. Probably at least once a month.
It is so important to keep track of your credit score. If you are going to try to repair your credit you have to make sure you research the credit repair company before you choose one.
Yep! Very important.
I need to check into this because my husband has on 2 occasions had someone charge things to his credit card. I am so amazed how dishonest people are! Sickening!
Right! It’s horrible!
We always monitor our credit and work really hard and keeping it on track!
That’s great to hear!
My hubby is so obsessed with his credit score that he drives everybody around him a little crazy. Whenever we have gone for a loan, the banks always comment that they rarely see a credit score that high, but he isn’t satisfied with that, he wants to be the highest possible score. Yup, he takes security and credit very seriously.
Great post!
That’s really great though! Mine is good, but I would love to raise mine to be better as well. I think it’s great to be that careful.
Thanks for sharing, this is very useful. It can be tough to keep track of everything financial. I have to admit I haven’t kept on top of checking my credit lately.
It really can be. I’m so glad I check mine more often now.
My husband is insane about credit scores. I’m always cautious of fraud activity!
I’m very cautious as well.
It is so important to stay on top of monitoring your credit score. It’s used for more things than you may realize! And if you check often, you’re more likely to catch if something like fraudulent activity or incorrectly reported information takes place.
Exactly! I wish I would have checked sooner a couple of years ago when I did have something against me. I’m glad I was able to fix it though.
Great info especially now days. I just had an issue with someone trying to open a credit card in my name. I called the credit companies and they were great. Put a hold on my stuff right away.
I hate that people are that low to do something like that. I’m glad you got everything put on hold.
You are right, it is hard to trust someone with your credit. It is such a vulnerable thing! I do need to monitor mine more closely. I have been great helping my daughter since I made an effort to make sure she did not get going down a bad path. Thank you for this advice, I will check into it!
You’re welcome. I’m glad to help.
I try hard to stay on top of my credit. I never want to end up in a situation where I have to do major credit repair. So stressful and hard.
I completely agree.
I tell everyone I can about the importance of watching your credit, scores, activity, etc. Not long ago, I had to repair my credit. There were a lot of erroneous issues and my score was in the low 500s! It took about 45 days to fix but it was so worth it! my scores went back up to high 700s!
I hate when issues like that come up, but glad to hear you were able to fix yours too!
Maintaining a good credit score is very important. When I was younger, I had no idea how this was done. It’s great that there are tools like this now to help people who are struggling to keep a good credit score.
I didn’t know much about it when I was younger either, or I would have started right away on building my credit.
These are grew tips for repairing and keeping good credit. I wish people learned more about credit cards and credit reports before they are of age to get them.
I agree. It’s really important to know about credit.
Great tips. Working on your credit and having a good credit history and score is very important. Sometimes getting a new job hinges on what your credit score is— thanks for sharing these tips!
You’re welcome!
I have always been lucky. When I was 18 I started building my credit right away and now almost 15 years later, I still have a great score.
That’s always great! A great way to start out.
I check our credit score regularly because it comes with one of our credit card’s option. It’s hard not to be vigilant these days with all the scams online.
That’s great that you check it often. I do as well.
Its so important to be aware of your credit! Thanks for the info!
You’re welcome.
It’s so easy to get into trouble with your credit! It can happen in a blink of an eye too!
Right! It’s crazy.
I agree that it’s important to check on your credit score often. Mistakes can happen and they can affect your rating.
They certainly can.
This is so important to check always our credit card score. It’s so important to be aware of your credit! Thanks for sharing!!
It really is, and you’re welcome!
My husband checks his credit score regularly and I’m proud of him because he always stays on top of our financial situation.
That’s always great to hear!
I keep an eye on mine and that reminds me, there is a problem on mine I need to get fixed. It has to do with a name error and not an actual reporting error though.
I hope you’re able to get that fixed! 🙂