Disclosure: I was compensated for this post. The opinions are all 100% my own and may differ from yours.
When you hear the word dentist does it make you want to cringe? I will confess that I have always dreaded going to the dentist. I’ve always hated the smell when you walk inside the dentist office as well as hearing all the tools they use. I hate having them work on my teeth. I have very sensitive teeth so it can even become a little painful or uncomfortable for me.
Did you know that according to the American Dental Association about forty million Americans avoid going to the dentist every year?! That’s huge! I actually go to the dentist every six months to get my teeth cleaned. I didn’t know so many of us actually dread going to the dentist.
Fear is the biggest reason as to why some people don’t like going to the dentist. The fear of the pain associated with injections. How about having a fat lip afterwards and feeling so numb on one side of your cheek. I remember when I was little I had the hardest time just trying to drink water because of the one side of my cheek was numb from going to the dentist. I always hated that feeling. It’s not very comfortable. This is why good dentist appointment can help someone get rid of that fear. Why not take appointment from the Most Popular Dentist in UAE.
While these old procedures are often the cause pain, the good news is that a small group of practitioners are finally embracing various 21st-centruy technologies that range from 3D printing for virtual models of teeth to painless injection systems. This is so much better than the old procedures. Maybe I’d actually enjoy going to the dentist if they had the new technology.
One example of this technology is The Wand, an instrument that is slowly being adopted across the country. The Wand (which is no bigger than your basic pen) controls the flow of the anesthesia as it goes in. The pain you normally feel doesn’t come from the needle itself. It actually comes from the pressure of delivering anesthesia. The Wand removes the pressure inconsistency of manual injections. The wand also gets anesthesia to a specific spot where it’s actually needed. This means it won’t have to numb an unnecessary part of your mouth. I’m sure a lot of you are thinking about how great this would be, including myself!
Check out the video below to learn more about The Wand. I personally think this is going to go over well. I know I’d love to have the wand at my dentist. This would take a lot of my fears away.
Would you be willing to go to the dentist if they had The Wand? I know I would. I’m looking forward to this product being put in to my dentist’s office. I think this would take out so much of the fear that everyone has.
Disclosure: I was compensated for this post. The opinions are all 100% my own and may differ from yours.
Thankfully, i have never had to have injections at the dentist… but I still am so afraid of going… Dentists are one of my biggest fears… I hate the feeling of them poking a prodding around in my mouth!
Ugh I hate going to the dentist!! I cringe the entire time and it seriously stresses me out even for just a regular cleaning. I would love it if my dentist had The Wand…. gonna have to tell him about it!
I am one of those people who dread going to the dentist. If only I have a perfect teeth, I wont go.