When it comes to toys my daughters can sometimes be picky. Usually they play with toys for a few days and then they’ll get bored with them. This is why I have a hard time finding them something because I want them to be able to play with the toys for months instead of days. It’s a good thing Hexbugs solved that problem.
The Hexbug micro robotic creatures product line was invented in 2007. They have a fascinating behavior, intelligent bug-like attributes and eye-catching packaging that make them so attractive to people. Some products are even animated which can fool cats, dogs and even humans! My cats were definitely fooled with the nano hexbug.
I received some items from Hexbugs for a review. I was given the Aquabot and the Hexbug Nano V2 Helix 180. I couldn’t wait to open them up for my daughters. I knew they were going to love these toys.
If you’re looking for a fish that doesn’t make a mess then the Aquabot is perfect for you. They have clown fish and sharks to choose from. They come in ten different colors. I hate cleaning out fish tanks so I was very excited to receive this product. It came with its very own plastic fish tank too. You’ll never have to clean your fish tank with these! My daughters love to watch the fish swim around. It’s almost as if it’s really alive! You can even see the moving robotic parts inside. It’s really neat! I also took a video so you can see how it moves. You can check it out below.
The Hexbug Nano was really neat. My kids were playing with this for hours. The nano bug can crawl all around the tunnel and even go upside down. I was surprised to see it crawl around upside down. What I really love about this is that you can get more pieces to make this even bigger! We were all entertained with this for hours.
I love that the kids can customize this the way they want it. I helped them put this one together but after that they started putting it together on their own. If you check out my video below I’ve shown how the nano bug can move around the tunnels. It’s really fun to watch!
My cats were also very entertained with this toy. I set the nano bug on the floor so it could move around and the cats would go after it. I took a video of one of my cats watching as the nano bug was moving around in the tunnels. You can watch that video below to see how much he loved that.
These toys were a huge hit with my daughters. If you have kids who might love the Hexbugs then I would definitely check them out. They will keep your kids entertained for hours.
Disclosure: I received these products in exchange for a review. The opinions are all 100% my own and may differ from yours.
That looks like it was a lot of fun for them!