Disclosure: I went to this restaurant and decided to do a review since everything was amazing! All opinions are my own and may differ from yours. The photos used are not my own since I forgot to take pictures.
About a week ago my husband, kids, father in law and I went to the Mall of America in Minnesota to go to Sea Life. I had actually got tickets to Sea Life for a review so we headed there to see some fish, sharks, sea stars and much more. My kids were so excited to go. We had such a great time. After we checked out Sea Life we were all hungry so we decided to go to a restaurant called Rainforest Cafe.
This was my first time going to this restaurant. The great thing about this place is that you can also shop there. They have many different items to buy that deal with the rainforest. They have cups, plates,stuffed animals and so much more! It’s a great place to shop and eat all in one.
We arrived there and the whole experience was wonderful. It was like you were actually in a rainforest. They had fake animals all over the place and it was just an amazing view. They even had animal behinds for the bar seats. It was so neat! They also had real live fish in aquariums all over. It was so beautiful. One really neat thing about the place was that they would often make it sound like there was a storm. They would have the lights flicker and have sounds that made it seem like it was thundering inside. They even had water raining down but it was off to the side so nobody would actually get wet.
Our waiter was really nice. He asked what we wanted for drinks and came back with them quickly. Since our youngest daughter is allergic to milk we asked the waiter to find out from the cooks about what she could eat. The cook actually came to our table to talk with us about what she would be able to eat. I’ve never had the cook come out to talk with us, and that was really awesome! I thought the service was great considering how busy it was. Our food came out at a reasonable time too. We all enjoyed our food and I couldn’t believe how well my daughters ate. My daughter with the allergies got two small-sized burgers and frys. She ate about one and a half of her burgers and a few fries. My other daughter was eating everyone else’s food. She didn’t eat much of her’s because she ate everyone else’s first. I ordered what was called the “Planet Earth Pasta” and it was so delicious.
This place was so great I’d definitely go again. I would recommend going out to eat at the Rainforest Cafe if you ever get the chance. If you’re ever around Bloomington, MN you should stop by the Mall of America and eat at the Rainforest Cafe. Everyone was very nice and the whole experience was amazing! This restaurant is located in other states as well. Make sure to check them out if you ever have the chance.
Disclosure: I went to this restaurant and decided to do a review since everything was amazing! All opinions are my own and may differ from yours. The photos used are not my own since I forgot to take pictures.
Looks absolutely amazing! i want to go there!!
Love Rainforest cafe! We have one a bit from here but we ate there when we went to Disney World.. It was so much fun!
So cool!! I want to go there, (and take the 2 year old.) but mainly I want to go for me, lol.
I’ve heard of this place! I loved your review and how you showed tons of photos! Very detailed!!
We love Rainforest Cafe! Great food and so much fun for the kids!
How nice that the cook came out to talk to you! We have dairy and gluten allergies, so finding somewhere to eat can be a pain!
I absoluteley love this place! I ate one of their burgers and I swear it was almost as big as my head lol The food was so incredible. I need to take another trip to Downtown Disney
Looks like so much fun! If I ever get the opportunity to go to a Rainforest Cafe, I’ll definitely make a point of it.
We were right next to one last week but didn’t go to it. Dang it! That looks awesome.
Sea Life sounds like a wonderful place to visit with kids! The food makes me hungry.
I love Rainforest Cafe! We used to have one in our local mall, and I was so sad when it closed! Great restaurant!
oh we have one of those here in las vegas! it’s super neat! I got the coolest giraffe shirt in their giftshop!