Do you ever have a hard time getting your children to go to sleep? My youngest is usually the hardest to get to sleep. She seems to take a long time to fall asleep. I can get her in bed easily, but getting her to actually sleep takes some time. She’s usually in her room talking to herself or just making noise. She has always seemed to have a harder time staying still, so it’s no surprise when I put her to bed and she’s always moving around in bed. I’ve always wondered if there were some way I could help try to get her to fall asleep quicker.
The Sleep Zzz Pillows are great for kids. If your child has a hard time sleeping at night, these may be helpful for them. They even have adult ones, so they’re not just for children! I received the blue and green chevron for kids, and my youngest loves it. She was so excited to get it, and when it arrived in the mail, we opened it right up and she used it right away. Her eyes lit up with excitement when she tried it out. She really loved it.
It’s extremely soft and comfortable. Even I gave it a try, and I loved it as well. It cuddles your child, almost as if it were like being held by the parent to help the child fall asleep. It was originally invented for children with sensory issues. They originally thought it was only for kids with sensory issues but now they realized that TONS of kids love this pillow. You’ll also see a little slot that looks like a pocket, and that is so that you can wash the cover. This is made so that you can remove the cover and wash it. It makes it very simple to be able to get the cover off. We all know how messy kids can get, so being able to wash the cover is great. I love how simple it is to take off and put back on too.
My daughter has been using the pillow for a few days now, and she’s loving it a lot. I do see that at times she is falling asleep a lot quicker, which is great. I know she really loves being able to sleep with this pillow at night. She hasn’t asked for her old pillow back, so that’s great as well. I love that it’s a larger pillow so that she can lay on it the way she does. It’s such a wonderful pillow, and for her to love it too, is amazing as well. It’s not often you see a child actually love the pillow they have.
You can see from the photo above just how long in length the pillow is. It’s perfect for holding around your child. It roughly goes up to about my youngest daughters waist. It’s almost like a body pillow that is super comfortable. These pillows are recommended for ages 3 and up. The 3mm pile cuddle fabric is amazing. It’s so soft and squishy, just the way my child loves her pillows.
If your child has a hard time falling asleep, the Sleep Zzz Pillow can help out. I would highly recommend it, as it’s been helping my daughter sleep at night already. The huge plus is how much she loves it! I’ve even noticed that at times she’s not getting up as early as she use to. She actually sleeps a bit longer, which is great for all of us. Her and her sister seem to like to get up early in the morning, even if it’s not a school day.
If you’d love to get your hands on one of these pillows, I have a great deal for you. You can get $5 off a pillow by going HERE. This is good til the end of the year, December 31st, 2018.
Do you have children who would love to have a Sleep Zzz Pillow?
I wish these would have been around when my kids were little, I think they would have been perfect. I actually think I might like one for myself.
They’re so comfy. I tried out my daughters, and it’s really nice.
I know my daughter and son almost 17 and 13 but they would love this to cuddle with at night. I will look for this pillow for a little present for both of my kids.
Even I’d love one! I think they are so soft and comfy.
That’s such a great pillow. I discovered the wonders of a body pillow when I was pregnant with my kids, and it’s the best thing ever.
Yes, I’d love to get one of these for myself too.
That looks super comfy! I am thinking that my little one would love one of these.
It sure is!
My kiddo has always had a hard time falling asleep! I wonder if this pillow could help him. It is defiantly worth a shot! Anything to get to get him to fall asleep sooner.
Certainly worth trying. They’re so soft and comfy!
My daughters would love this pillow. My oldest has always had trouble sleeping. I would like one for myself.
This should help with the trouble sleeping.
Wow, this pillow has such a unique shape. I really love the way it looks. I have like 13323 pillows at night in my bed with me.
Right! It’s such a neat pillow. My daughter really loves it.
I think I need one of these. Where were these when my daughter was little?
Right! My daughter really loves hers.
This pillow looks like something that my kids would absolutely love. It does look like it is super comfortable.
It sure is!
This is such a creative idea to help children sleep. I absolutely love the design of it too. Your daughter looks so comfy that I want one for myself!
I thought so too. What a great way for them to get comfy and sleep.
I think I need this! It looks so comfortable!
Right! I’d love one for myself.
I need to get one of these pillows for myself and my kids. It looks so comfy.
Me too. They’re so nice!
That looks so comfortable to sleep with! I think I want one for myself!
Right! I want to get one for myself too.
I secretly want this for me! I haven’t been having a good night’s sleep lately and I think the shape and the contouring of this could really help.
Me too! I love my daughter’s and now want one of my own.