What’s Happening?! This past week was a bit of a slow week for us. It has been below zero this past week, so my family wasn’t able to do a whole lot. We try to have more fun indoors since we can’t get out much because the temperature. It’s suppose to start warming up by the weekend though, so we’re very excited about that and hope it stays that way. We’re ready for Spring already! We actually didn’t even get out much, so no new foods for us to try either. Normally we give some new foods a try each week, but that didn’t happen.
Teaching My Kids How to Play Battleship
I was at my fathers last week and I remembered all the old games I use to play there as a child. Remembering that he had the game Battleship, it was one that I really loved playing as a child. Since I could remember where they were when I was a child, I went to where all the games use to be, and they were all still there. Grabbing Battleship, I decided it was the perfect time to teach my children how to play. They have been having a blast playing it ever since I brought it home. They have played a lot already and it’s becoming one of their favorite games now.
One of Our Ducks Passed Away
I noticed that one of our ducks didn’t look to be feeling well, so I took her inside to try to take care of her. She wasn’t moving around much or eating or drinking, so I decided it was best to bring her inside where she could be warm and I could take care of her to see what I could do. My oldest daughter helped me tend to her and make sure she was getting food and water and such. Mercades (my oldest) really loves helping take care of our ducks and chickens. We put her in the bathtub for a bit and waiting a couple of hours before giving her a bath. She was moving around to much right away, but once she was able to get back to moving around, we decided to give her a bath. Ducks sure love water, so she enjoyed that a lot. She was starting to look more alive like her old self again. Sadly though a few days later she didn’t make it and she passed away. I noticed she wasn’t wanting to drink or eat much, but I’d have to go in there every now and then and make sure she was getting fed and getting lots of water. We noticed her start to go downhill and sadly she didn’t make it. Mercades was a bit sad, as she really loves our animals a lot. The duck was definitely getting up there in age, but we’re not really sure if that’s why she passed on or not. We’ll miss her greatly.
Bubble Fun
My daughters had a couple of friends stay over for a couple nights over the weekend. It had been awhile since they have had anyone stay over, and their friends (they’re pretty much cousins) are moving next month, so they wanted to be able to spend some time with them. They’ll be moving many states away, so they won’t get to see each other as much. We had some fun bubbles that I let them do in the house. (which isn’t often that I’ll let them do) I figured it was on the carpet and it’s okay ever now and then to let kids be kids and have some fun indoors. We couldn’t go outdoors because it has been below zero. They had a ton of fun with the bubbles. I mean who doesn’t love bubbles, right?!
Ice Maze
My daughters went and stay with their great grandparents for a night, and they took them out to an Ice Maze. My daughters said they had a lot of fun there. They went through a maze that was all built from ice. They even had some ice slides that they were able to slide down. It sounded like they had a real fun time there. Looks like they had it nicely lit for when it got dark out too. They went when it was dark because they actually wanted to see it was it was all lit up. I have never been to an ice maze myself, but it sounds like it would be a lot of fun.
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about your duck passing. =( It always sucks to lose an animal. They become part of our life and our family, even if they live outside.
Yes, exactly. It’s always hard, but she was getting old in age, so we knew the time was coming sadly.
Aww. I’m so sorry about your duck. =( We raise chickens – just for eggs and to watch them run around – and we enjoy them so much. It’s going to be hard to see any of them go.
We raise both ducks and chickens. It sure is sad to see them go, but we understand. I believe she was getting there with age honestly.
Battleship has always been one of my favorite board games. We played it all the time when my son was younger. I’m sorry to hear about your duck’s passing. =(
Thanks. My oldest was pretty sad about it.
Sounds like a whole bunch of fun. The ice maze looks like something my boys would love to do.
They did have a lot of fun at the ice maze. I hope to go sometime too.
I am sorry about your loss. What a pretty duck. I lost my hedgehog a few months ago, it is hard. Our pets are like members of our family. Hugs
Yes, they sure are family. Sorry for your loss as well. Hedgehogs are amazing.
So sad to hear about your duck. I remember my pet cuz of this
It’s definitely hard when you lose a pet.
My kid loves playing bubbles too. I think most kids do too. 🤔 It makes me sad too when one of my bird dies. I love my pets.
I love my pets as well. It’s always hard when I pet passes.
Seeing that battleship makes me missed my siblings. We used to play that when we are kids, and it’s really a lot of fun.
Same here. I remember playing with them a lot.
That ice maze looks like a lot of fun. How I wish we have one here too. We would all have a blast there, for sure.
I would have loved to go as well. I’m hoping next year I’ll be able to go.
I’m so sorry about your duck. It’s hard to loose an animal. On a happy note the ice maze looks like so much fun!
It is always hard for sure. I’m glad my girls had a good time at the ice maze though.
The duck pet loss is a tough one. But teaching your kids how to play battle ship is something that every human should know. Such a fun game!
I agree. Battleship is a favorite game of mine. I love it.
It is quite cold here as well, and it is hard to stay busy in the wintertime. We have been passing the time doing some house projects.
I can’t wait for the weather to start warming up.
Looks like you had a fun time except for the duck passing!
Yes, for sure.
We are waiting for spring too! We can’t wait it! We hope for better weather too!
Yes! I’m over winter already.
I’m sorry that you lost your duck. It’s hard losing animals.
The ice maze looks like so much fun. My son would enjoy it.
Yes, it sure is hard. My girls did have a wonderful time at the ice maze though.
Awe what a sweet ducky! I used to have some when I was growing up.
She was definitely very sweet.