Kathy’s Freebies & Savings is excited to be helping out with this giveaway. I actually have some Woolzies as well and I love them. They really work out wonderful! Make sure to enter below for your chance to win. Good luck to everyone.
A big thank you to Kathy’s Freebies and Savings, Sassy Mom 2 Spoiled Bratz, Bargain Hound Daily Deals, Mommy and Baby Reviews and The Review Chic for helping us promote this giveaway!
I have gotten rid of the static cling in my clothes wit Woolzies! This is a big thing for my family! With the 6-10 loads of laundry I do per week, this was my mortal enemy! Not anymore… Because with Woolzies, I WIN!!!! Check out the full review at: Sweet Cheeks and Savings Woolzies Review.
I am so very excited to bring you the chance to win your own 6 pack of XL Woolzies Dryer Balls! Simply enter below!!
Disclosure: Sweet Cheeks and Savings teamed up with Woolzies Dryer Balls for this giveaway. Other participating bloggers are not responsible for choosing the winner or shipment of product. They have not receive any compensation for this post.
What I do not like about laundry is all the folding and putting back the clothes. It takes a long time to get done!
I wouldn’t mind the laundry so much if my husband didn’t leave everything he wears inside out. Other wise, it’s just another chore.
I don’t mind the washing and the switching to the dryer, but once its dried I hate the folding and putting away part! I also hate that my older 2 boys tend to put clean clothes in the dirty clothes basket instead of putting it away!
I like that my husband appreciates me doing the laundry. That makes it so much easier to do.
I really just hate the time that laundry takes. I also hate folding because I’m crap at it!
I like taking the clean clothes out when they’re warm and folding them. It’s especially fun with my toddler “helping”! It entertains her better than her toys and lets me actually get some baking done if I give her a basket of clothes.
Dont like static, Folding, Hanging and hard towels. Washing and swapping and dumping the basket in the floor to be finished i like
I don’t like folding! And static! Gah I hate static! I like having clean clothes though. 😀
I really don’t like folding and putting everything away once I’m done.
I love fresh out of the dryer fluffy clean towels. I hate how fast new laundry accumulates for our family – it never ends!
I actually enjoy doing laundry… gives me a small, much needed, break!
I like doing laundry, I just don’t like putting it away!
I HATE laundry because it never ends! I don’t mind diaper laundry but it seems to take forever which causes me to get behind on regular laundry. I would love to try these wool dryer balls to hopefully speed up the process!!
I don’t like folding and putting the clean laundry away…or stuffing diapers!
I hate putting it away, but I am always happy once it is one!
I hate laundry because it seems to never end! Especially the folding 🙁
I love that it’s a relatively easy chore, I hate that it’s never done. 🙂
I am lucky to have my own laundry room, but there have been occasions for me to go to the laundromat (comforters, curtains, etc.). I confess: I LOVE the laundromat! The smell of detergent and softener. Ahhh, makes me happy. 🙂
I don’t mind folding laundry but I hate static! Used to love the smell of dryer sheets but I had to stop using them because of sensitivity.
I love the smell of clean laundry and I hate putting it away.
I may be weird but i love folding laundry gives me a chance to think to my self and i love finding pairs to my kids socks ..but i do get mad when a sock is missing lol and i love stuffing diaper and folding them together lol
I hate doing laundry, I make my husband do it and I fold it
I hate that my washed clothes have cat hair still on them.
I love the fact that I am lucky enough to wear clean clothes and that I have the resources to clean them.
It never seems to be done! And after washing you always have to fold!
I don’t like putting laundry away. I don’t mind folding or washing though lol.
I hate sorting laundry most because my hubby’s socks are always crunchy.
I love how when the diapers come out of the dryer they are so fluffy and ready to be stuffed!
I love that I can start a load and walk away and come back to clean laundry. I hate folding and putting away.
carrying it up 2 flights of stairs!
(that is the hate part!)
Laundry seems to be one thing I find simple to do. I like folding clothes “just so” so I don’t have to worry about ironing.
I love knowing that my laundry is as natural as can be.. We use country save detergent and no harsh chemicals EVER!
I hate how often i forget to transfer the wash into the dryer.. Then I feel like the entire load i just washed needs to be cleaned again
I love doing laundry, because I have extra capacity machines. I can get so many clothes washed at once. I hate putting things away though. That is not the best.
The worst part is putting away because it requires my drawers to be organized.
I hate folding laundry – to the point I bribe my teenage daughter to do it for me!
I hate that it takes so long! I have to sort it, wash it, move it to the dryer and then finally fold it! That doesn’t even count what I put on or take off the line!
I strongly dislike folding laundry, it is possibly the most tedious task ever. There is a machine to wash, one to dry, but not one to fold…WHY?
I love when I look into the laundry sorter and it is empty! It is a rare thing – but awesome!
I love nice clean line dried clothes the most!
I hate having to walk outside in the cold and rain to go around to the basement stairs to get to my washer and dryer. Yuck!
I do not liked the folding part of laundry-I guess that’s why I can handle CD laundry.
Hate: Folding and Putting It Away
Ooops – I totally thought that said “8 words or less.” I hate folding and putting away laundry, then it gets all wrinkled :-/.
I hate dragging it downstairs, the folding, and the ironing!
What I love? The smell of freshly washed clean clothes, and that my hubby washes his own things. What I don’t love? The mountains of laundry everyday! I have 3 kids and we have allergies so bedsheets and blankets get washed a lot
I love putting the laundry in the washer, walking away & doing other things. Then coming back to the washer & wah-la, it’s clean. I love putting the laundry into the dryer, walking away & doing other things. Then, more often than not, there it sits… waiting for me to come fold it.
I don’t mind washing and drying but I hate folding. Or if I can’t get a stain out.
I love having nice clean clothes but I hate having to wash them and handle wet clothes when moving them from washer to dryer.
I hate trying to put the laundry away, especially when my toddler wants to help!
Washing doesn’t bother me, but getting them into the dryer or folded is different lol. I actually love stuffing diapers though.
I hate doing laundry every other day for my cloth diapers and I hate folding everything! But I do love my wool dryer balls. 🙂
I don’t hate doing laundry, but I do resent not getting any help.
I love that my clothes get clean and the different smells of laundry soap. I hate how my clothes have shrunk in the dryer before.
I like it when clothes are clean so become a viable option for wearing again. I hate it when we leave the laundry so long that the piles are overwhelming.
I love fresh, clean laundry but really hate putting it all away and hate the pile that happens if I do not put it away even more!
I don’t mind laundry, but the bending up and down is difficult sometimes. The part I REALLY hate is folding all those cloths. Folding is physically painful for me. Is it painful for everyone?
The part I hate most about laundry is tied between switching from washer to dryer, it’s heavy and we have stacked units. OR the enormous amount of folding that comes with 2 small bubs!
Folding and putting away.
I love stuffing my pocket diapers after they are dry and organizing them by color and brand! I tend to be a little OCD about it!
Laundry is my absolute favorite chore! I love the smell of clean laundry, I love snuggling with all the warm things right out of the dryer when it’s cold, I love sorting and folding. I just love it all!
I don’t mind washing or drying clothes—-I just hate putting the clean ones away.
Laundry is actually my favorite chore!
Except putting it away the same day is a neaR impossibility.
I like laundry because it makes me feel productive. When I have all of the bins empty I feel accomplished.
I hate folding and putting the laundry away. I love seeing my hampers empty!
i actually really really love doing laundry because it takes place in a separate room, and it’s harder for the kids o undo the effects of laundry than any other cleaning job in the house 🙂
Would love to try these!!!!!
I actually like doing laundry – I like the feeling & smell of clean clothes. I also love doing diaper laundry – which probably makes me insane!lol!
I don’t like making the laundry soap, but I don’t like spending big bucks paying for it either.
I like not having to buy something new to use over and over again.