Is your child a picky eater? I have two daughters and the oldest is a very picky eater. If something doesn’t look good to her she won’t even try it. My youngest daughter is allergic to many foods so she is not picky at all. Maybe you have kids that can only eat small pieces of foods. I know when kids are young they usually can only eat smaller pieces of foods so they don’t choke. I have had the opportunity to review Funbites.
Funbites was created by Bobbie Rhoads, a mother of two daughters. Her youngest daughter is a picky eater and she would end up spending so much time cutting food up into little pieces. This is where the Funbites where invented. Funbites cut food into bit sized shapes. They work on many variety of foods including cheese, pancakes, lunch meat, sandwiches, watermelon and much more. Funbites cuts your food nice and even.
I received the square and heart-shaped Funbites to try out. I decided to test out the square shapes first with a peanut butter sandwich. The peanut butter got a bit messy but it was a lot of fun to use. It cut the sandwich into a bunch of little squares. I tried the heart-shaped Funbites with some cheese. This did not go to well for me. I think the cheese was way to thick and I’ll have to try it out again and make sure the cheese is not so thick this time. They work great for toast and sandwiches though. My daughters loved what these could do. They enjoyed eating the smaller sized foods and wanted to help me cut everything up with the Funbites.
If you have spent a large amount of time cutting up food because your children need their food cut up, you should try out the Funbites. What a great way spend less time cutting up food. Your children may even love to help you out with this. What a great way to get them involved.
Disclosure: I received these products in exchange for a review. The opinions are all my own and may differ from yours.
My kids would love this! I have really gotten into the bento box things lately. My little one loves it when his food is cute into shapes. My teenagers do too, LOL.